
Social Awesomeness

Social Awesomeness is perhaps the most important area of awesomeness to develop (However, if you haven’t read the previous posts about [Physical] and [Mental] awesomeness, I recommend you do so before reading this post). 

What good is having a fit body and a sharp mind if you lack the social skills to actually implement your awesomeness on the world? Sure, being physically fit and smart will have benefits on their own, but it's only when combined with Social Awesomeness that you're able to get the most out of it.

But what is social awesomeness, and why should you develop it?

Well, in short, being socially awesome means you implement your awesomeness to get exactly what you want from social interactions with other people.

Again, everyone has to form their own idea of this awesomeness, all depending on their goals with their social interactions. Depending on whether you want to receive the respect you deserve, or want to become the undisputed alpha male of your social circle or just want success with the opposite sex, you need to form a definition that would fit that desired outcome. 

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