
Attachment Leads to The Dark Side

"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." ~ Yoda

So I was watching Star Wars recently, and as the little green guy we've all come to love was giving his speech about how attachment is a direct path to the dark side, I realized that he has a point. Okay, so maybe we won't all turn into an evil sith lord for being too attached to things, but he still has a valid point; attachment can lead to quite a lot of suffering and despair if not treated the right way.

 Attachment Stands in The Way of Progress

Attachment to people and things can be a great part of life, but when taken too far, it can easily get in the way of progress. If you're too attached to everything you have now, how will you ever be able to change things for the better?

You see, in order for any change or progress to happen, you will have to let go of something else. Be it a habit that you have to rid yourself of, a relationship, or even your home city or country (as is the case for me), you must be able to let it go if it stands in the way of your progress. And the more attached you are to those things, the harder it will be to let it go and make room for the new things in your life.

Attachment Will Lead to Pain and Suffering

Attachment to the things around you isn't just dangerous to your progress in life - it will undoubtedly lead to a great deal of pain and suffering as well. You may not realize it now, but sooner or later, you will lose something you're attached to - and the more attached you are to that thing, the harder it will hit you.

Do you have something in your life which you could never see yourself living without? Most of us do. Be it a partner, a friend or a job, this kind of attachment is dangerous - because what would happen if you were to lose whatever it is you're so attached to? You'd probably be devastated. And in the process of developing your awesomeness, that's a very dangerous thing to be.

So how do you make sure you won't be completely devastated when disaster strikes and you lose something you're attached to? Well, fortunately, Star Wars has the answer:

Mentally Prepare Yourself to Lose What You're Afraid to Lose

So how do you make yourself less attached to something, or someone, without risking to lose your feelings for it? Well, the Jedi (Yes, we're back to the Star Wars analogy) actually present a great way of doing just that, as Yoda so finely explains: Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

In order to rid yourself of your attachments and fear of loss, you should condition yourself to mentally let go of the things you fear to lose. For example: Say that you're terrified of losing your partner; the very thought of it makes your stomach cringe. Instead of obsessing over it, and being excessively clingy, you should mentally prepare yourself for the event of losing that person.

Envision yourself experiencing the break-up - imagine how you'd feel, and what it would be like. Then imagine what life would be like a week, a month or even a year after that. Life would go on, wouldn't it? The world wouldn't end because of it, and you'd recover from your loss.

I'm not saying that you should devalue your relationship though - you should still cherish everything you hold dear. But by doing this exercise with anything you feel overly attached to, you will train yourself to be able to let it go, should it be required. This will lead to two great things; 1. You'll get peace of mind, and won't be too driven by the fear of loss, and 2: Your world won't end if/when you are forced to part with the thing/person you're attached to.

Of course, I'm not saying you shouldn't allow yourself to be attached to anything, or anyone, in life - a life without attachment would be a cold and empty one. But in order to reach your full potential in life, you must take back control of your emotions and control what you're attached to, and the strength of that attachment. Over-attachment, and attachment to the wrong things will only hinder your progress in life, and cause you a great deal of pain and suffering.

The 5 Biggest Threats to Your Awesomeness

 Developing your awesomeness can be quite difficult at times. Countless things will try to get in your way, and you have to power through them all if you want to reach your full potential. And although most of these obstacles are easily overcome,  there are those who pose a serious threat to your awesomeness.

These are five things that pose some of the greatest threats when it comes to developing your awesomeness.

#5 - Unoptimized Intake of Information

The rate at which you can take in and process information is crucial to your progress in awesomeness.

It's simple: the faster you can take in information, the faster you can learn and grow. Therefore, it is essential that you optimize your intake of information in every way you can.

And since the main way we all take in new information is through reading, we ought to make sure that our reading speed and comprehension rates are as high as possible, right? Well, as obvious as that may sound, most people don't seem to realize this, seeing how most people stop developing their reading speed at the age of twelve, and remain at that level for the rest of their lives.

With just a little time devoted to learning Speed Reading (and by little, I mean a couple of hours, tops) most people are able to at least triple their reading speed. Seems like a pretty fair deal to me, once you consider how much time you'd be saving every day if you tripled the speed at which you read.

#4 - The Desire to Quit

One of the greatest obstacles to your awesomeness is definitely your will to quit. It will always be there when taking on something big, or something difficult. Whenever you're working hard on developing your awesomeness, there will always be that annoying temptation to just quit and go on with your mundane life.

 This, obviously, is a great threat to your awesomeness - one slip-up, and you could find yourself having quit forever. Therefore, it's important that you find a way to quench that little voice that tells you to quit. You need to find a way to resist the temptation of doing nothing instead of evolving. Be it through discipline or raising your motivation, you must find a way to avoid quitting.

#3 - Accepting The Morals of Society

Society has its own set of morals, which are viewed by most people as the "right morals". Therefore, most people share them - and condemn those who do not. And while most of these morals serve to keep our species alive and prosperous, a lot of them can (and will) stand in the way of your awesomeness. For instance, most people have the notion that it is never okay to break the rules or cheat on anything, even if doing so would cause no harm to anyone and could really help propel you in life.

That is why you need to question each of your moral values that may stand in your way and ask yourself if they are truly your values, or just society's imprint on you.

#2 - Settling, and Being Content

I don't care what those Buddhist monks say - an essential part of our awesomeness comes from our desire to have more - to constantly improve. Without it, we would simply see no personal growth at all. Being content with things the way they are is pretty much the same as giving up, or quitting. If we're not constantly improving, we won't get anywhere in life.

Being satisfied with the way things are, leaning back and accepting a comfortable life is the first step to failure in this world. If you're content with the way things are, you will never reach the full potential of your awesomeness.

#1 - Poor Self-Discipline

I've covered the importance of discipline before, and how it is the cornerstone of all awesomeness. Therefore, I believe it comes as no surprise that it sits undisputed at the top of this list.
Self-discipline is a must for anyone trying to develop their awesomeness - without it, any personal improvement will be slow and scarce. You need self-discipline to stay on course, remain committed to the cause and withstand all the hardship that comes with developing an awesome lifestyle.

These are some of the biggest threats to awesomeness out there. However, if you manage to push past these obstacles, there will be very little that can stand in your way of becoming as awesome as you desire.

So what are you waiting for? Start tearing down these obstacles now!

The Difference Between "Man's law" and "God's law"

There is no such thing as the perfect legal system. No matter how much we try to perfect it, there will always be flaws with it. Some laws that serve to protect us in certain cases may serve no purpose, and can even be harmful to us, in others. Other laws may just be plain stupid in most circumstances.

Granted, most of our legal system is based on our existing morals that are there for a reason (like how it's wrong to murder innocent people), but then there are those laws that only seem to have a negative impact in a lot of cases, or are just plain stupid. These laws are what I'd like to call "Man's laws".

Laws in different situations

Surely you have had a moment when the law has stood in your way for no apparent reason other than to piss you off. For instance, it is illegal to run a red light, even if you're out in the middle of nowhere and have a clear view of the road for miles  in all directions. Breaking this kind of law would have no negative impact on anyone, ever, and the only reason you follow it is because it's the law. Another example would be when the law stands in the way of doing what is morally right.

 As mentioned, a lot of laws only serve a purpose in certain situations, and to certain people. That's why, in a situation of doubt, we need to ask ourselves if the law really serves a real purpose in that situation, or if it's there simply for the point of it being the law. If following the law serves no good to anyone in your situation, and breaking it would do no harm, then what is the point of you following it?

"Man's laws" Vs. "God's laws"

In addition to this, you also need to realize that all laws are not equal. Just blindly following every single law will leave you crippled in some situations in life, and you need to accept that in your lifetime, you will probably have to break several laws. We all do, whether we mean to or not - there are just so many minor laws that everyone breaks without even realizing it.

But what's important to keep in mind is that there are higher laws, and lower laws (or "God's laws" and "Man's laws", as someone colorfully addressed it). For instance, we all feel that some crimes are just horrible to commit, like murder, or personal theft. Those laws would be part of the "higher laws". Mostly, those crimes tend to be harmful to other people.

Then we have the lower laws, which are mainly there to keep people, and society, under control. Such laws include taxation laws and behavioral laws (like how it's forbidden to smoke in most public places these days). A lot of these will limit our freedom, and prevent us from doing what we want in life.

So when it comes to doing our best in following the law, we must realize that not all of  "Man's laws" make sense at all times. Unlike the higher laws, these can't, and shouldn't, be followed blindly in every situation.

Is it ever okay to break the law?

Blindly following the rules and laws of society like a well-trained dog seems like a given to a lot of people, but there are times when stepping over the boundaries of the law might be okay, and perhaps even necessary. Although a lot of this must be determined by your own morals, there are some key questions to be considered when in doubt about the law:
  • Would breaking the law be more beneficial than following it?
  • Would breaking the law do any harm to yourself or anyone else?
  • Would you follow the law because of a real reason, or simply because you don't want to be punished for breaking it?
  • Is the law in question stupid?

Sure, a puppet of society would argue that the law is the law and must always be obeyed - But as a free thinker, you have to ask yourself Why would you blindly follow the law in question? Is it because your own moral tells you to, or is it simply because you don't want to risk being penalized for breaking it?

Reaching Your Maximum Potential Vs. Settling With Being Average

In the modern world we live in, we tend to measure our success by comparing ourselves to others. Whether it's about our ability to throw a football or the number of digits in our salary, we can't help but base our sense of success on how well we're doing in comparison to other people.

And while this may be beneficial in some cases (such as if you are as competitive as myself), it can be a really bad thing in most cases. You see, society today instills the idea that being average is good enough, and is what we should aim for - no matter how high our maximum potential could take us. We see the average level as the goal, and once we've reached that level, there is no need to climb any higher. As long as we're not worse than everyone else, everything is fine.

And I suppose that's a legit way of looking at life - If you're content with being another faceless nobody in the crowd, that is. If you want to amount to something and excel at life, however, you need to completely change the way you compare your own success to the masses.

 Not being bad does NOT equal being good

Most people are satisfied as long as they don't stand out from the masses in a bad way - so much so that they don't even care about standing out in a good way either. They believe that as long as they aren't worse than other people at something, they're good enough, and let it go.

This kind of thinking is great for the mindless worker drones of society. It keeps the masses in line, and makes sure they don't rise above their lot. But for those of us who aim higher, and want to achieve something of significance in life, this is a very dangerous way to think. It hinders any kind of advancement above the average level, and makes it so much more difficult to excel at something.

Only by realizing that being average is not the same as being good can we shed our lives of mediocrity, and reach for our full potential.

Always strive to improve

In order to stand out from the crowd, you must keep going even when you've climbed higher than most people. Simply thinking "But I'm already better at this than the others, there is no need for me to improve any further" will prevent you from reaching anywhere near your full potential. Sure, you might be slightly better than everyone else at something, but why settle for that if you could reach even higher? Why settle for being good, when you can be great?

Ask yourself if you're currently living up to your full potential, or if you've lowered your standards to fit in with the average level of the masses. Are you living life at your very best, or are you holding back your A-game?

Following Your Dreams Before Life Ties You Down

Today, it's about one month left before I leave my home to travel to the other side of the world (literally). My plan is to live my dream of seeing and exploring the wonderful island country of New Zealand, where I will be backpacking for at least a few months.

A lot of people ask me why I'm doing it - why would I just drop everything and travel to the other side of the world now, without having any kind of security back home?

And yes,those people have a point; I have no job, very little money, no connections, no place of my own and no education above high school level. I have basically no "security" as some people would see it.

Securities keep you safe - and tie you down

But while most people see all this as something that's holding me back, I see it as the very opposite: Without all these things tying me down, I am completely free to go anywhere, and do anything I want.
 That's because securities work in two ways; they keep you safe from falling, but they also keep you from reaching the sky. Granted, it can be nice having some security in life - without it, you would never feel safe. But securities such as having a steady job and owning a house also ties you down, leaving you unable to do certain things, such as traveling the world. Sure, you'll probably never go hungry or cold in your life, but you also won't be able to live out any adventurous dreams you might have.

The future is uncertain

I believe you should live out your dreams today, because you never know what tomorrow might bring. What if I, for instance, were to get really sick in a few years, or suffer some kind of accident that leaves me crippled? Then I wouldn't be able to travel the world as I've always wanted. So why risk not being able to do it at all in the future, when I have the perfect opportunity to do what I want right now?

It makes me sad to see a lot of people today build up their securities early on in life (getting a job, starting a family, getting a nice house etc.), only to spend the rest of their lives being tied down by these things. They might tell themselves that they'll just go to college, or work for a couple of years, and then they'll be able to do exactly what they want. And there's nothing wrong with that - if everything goes as planned.

However, with most people, everything doesn't go as planned. It can be anything from illness, to getting a girlfriend, to even a stock market crash - but something will most likely come in their way if they wait too long. And then they'll look back on their past and wish they'd done everything they wanted, while they still could.

So, will you live your dreams today, while you still can? Or are you going to let life tie you down before you get a chance to?

The Dangers of Excess, and the Fear of Loss

"The things we own, end up owning us" - Tyler Durden

The more things we have, the more we worry about losing them. This can be quite the curse for a lot of people, whose fear of losing what they have can take over their lives and control how they act and live.

But we shouldn't let fear of loss affect us. Instead, we should be happy that we have that fear, since it means we're lucky enough to have something worth losing. If we're afraid to lose something, it means we're glad that thing is in our lives, and we should be happy about that, not worried about losing it.

 Another reason not to worry about losing what we have is that we've gotten along without it just fine in the past. We may be afraid of losing our homes, our jobs or even our partners. But that's when you have to remember that you've gotten by without those things before - the only difference now is that you've gotten used to the luxury of excess.

The luxury of excess

You've gotten used to living a certain way, with everything you have now. You've long since left behind the life where you didn't have these things. And that's why it would hurt so much to lose the things you have now and revert back to where you used to be. The higher you climb, and the more things you gather, the more afraid you'll be to lose it all.
But behind all this excess, there are the basics that are enough; your body, your mind, and your gathered knowledge and experiences. Anything you have over that is purely excess, and more than you need. Sure, it's nice to have more than that (and probably necessary too), but my point is that you shouldn't worry about losing something above this level, because as long as you still have these basics, you can always get back what you lost.

Interactive Example

Let's have a little example. Imagine yourself having a luxurious castle. How would you feel right now if I told you that your castle had suddenly been taken away from you forever? You probably wouldn't feel very strongly about it.

But let's say the same thing happened to your current house, or apartment. You would probably feel a bit more devastated about losing that, wouldn't you? Strange.. Why is that?

Well, to explain it, we'll have to imagine that our lives are made up from different levels, which we get used to over time. Say that you're on level 10 right now, which represents your life as it is at the moment, with everything you have. You've probably gotten used to this level, and accepted the things you have right now as part of your life. You're happy that you've climbed up from the previous levels, and never want to go back down there.

Now let's bring the castle back into the picture. That's level 11, a level which you haven't climbed to yet. You haven't left level 10 behind you, and since you haven't done that, it didn't hurt at all when you fell right back to it when you lost your imaginary castle.
 But if you were to lose your apartment, you would be devastated, since it would mean you would fall right back down to a level which you've left behind long ago. It would mean losing the level which you're so accustomed to by now.
You've gotten used to the higher level, and therefore, it will hurt so much more to fall back down to a lower one. This is one of the main contributors to the fear of loss that a lot of people experience.

Living on the Basic Level

Therefore, to get rid of the fear of loss, you need to change the way you look at things. You need to see it as if you keep living on the very simplest level, where you take only your body, mind and experiences/knowledge for granted. You should treat anything above this level as excess.

And since it's excess, and you're already at the most basic level in your mind, losing these things wouldn't cause you a lot of pain. That way, you won't have to be so afraid of losing what you have, and your fear of loss will be far less severe.

Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't care about anything you have, or treat them lightly - far from it! You should be grateful for what you have, and appreciate how lucky you are to have it. You just shouldn't let the fear of losing what you have control you or the way you live.

4 Foolproof Ways to Exponentially Improve Your Awesomeness

There are countless ways in which you can improve your awesomeness, from hitting the gym to reading more books. But whichever ways you choose to do it, there are some that are far better than the others. These stand out from the rest by not just increasing your awesomeness, but also improving and speeding up your entire process of becoming awesome.

Because of this, these ways will make your awesomeness grow exponentially, meaning that your awesomeness will grow faster and faster the more awesome you get at them. To give some examples, here's a list of some of the things that will help you improve your awesomeness exponentially.

#4: Reading

Arguably the best way to take in information, reading is one of the most important skills to be good at today. Every day you are forced to use this skill, which is why it's so important to be awesome and constantly improve at it. Being able to read at a high speed with a high understanding is therefore essential to being awesome. But being able to read fast has another huge advantage for those pursuing awesomeness. 

You see, part of developing your awesomeness means effectively taking in and processing information, and the faster and more effectively you can do this, the faster you will be able to learn new things and grow your awesomeness. Therefore it is important to constantly train your reading skills, from reading comprehension to reading speed.

#3: Physical Exercise

Exercising is a must for developing any awesomeness. You need to maintain a strong body that is capable of withstanding the strain put on by your awesomeness, which has already been covered in a previous post. But besides making you stronger, faster, more durable etc., continuous exercising has another amazing benefit; it will give you the energy you need to develop your awesomeness in general. 

It's simple; the more you exercise and keep your body in shape, the more energy you will have, which means you'll have more energy to put into developing your awesomeness. And this, in turn, will lead to faster and greater results in the long run.

#2: Training Your Mind
 Basically, training your mind means developing all your mental abilities, as well as changing and improving your mindsets. This involves anything from training your self discipline to changing the way you look at the world.

This all comes with a whole host of awesome benefits. Aside from becoming more awesome the more you train your mind, you will also improve your overall process of becoming more awesome in general. For instance, with a stronger self discipline, you will be able to devote more of your time and energy towards things that matter, such as studying awesomeness, and with a different mindset, you'll find it easier to change the way you live and act.

#1: Social Training 

One important area of life that people often forget is the social part. Becoming more socially awesome is equally important to training your body and mind. This is why it's so sad to see that hardly anyone puts down any effort into developing their social awesomeness, such as their leadership abilities or their communicative skills.

Social training is actually a vital part of becoming awesome, since part of awesomeness is being able to control your social environment the way you see fit. Therefore, it is crucial for anyone trying to reach awesomeness to take control of their social life and start training until he is completely in control of his surroundings. And, just as with the other things on this list, you'll only grow faster and faster the better you get at social awesomeness.

These are all examples of ways which will help increase your awesomeness exponentially the more you train them. There are many more ways like these, which will be featured in an updated post in the future. In the meantime, start training your awesomeness today!

The Shame of Choosing not to Improve

So I was reading a book about Alexander the Great today (yes, he is (was) one of the people I look up to), and I came across an interesting quote; "There is no shame in performing poorly at something, only in choosing not to improve."

I had to put the book down for a moment to ponder the awesome message in this quote, and how much I agree with it. This is actually something I've held true for a long time, but never seen expressed so accurately; It doesn't matter how much you suck at something, what's important is that you try your best to improve at it.

Picking Up Something You Suck at

Whenever you attempt something entirely new, this is what you should be telling yourself. You probably won't be very good at it, at least not in the beginning. But that's when you have a choice; either you choose to continue with your new thing until you improve and become awesome at it, or you take the easy way out and just quit, sparing you the "shame" of being bad at something.

But guess what? If you just avoid the stuff you're bad at, you'll never improve in them, and you'll suck at them forever. That is where the true shame lies - not in being bad at something in the beginning, but choosing to continue being bad at them forever. Sure, if you choose to quit something with the sole purpose being that you suck at it, it might spare yous some momentary embarrassment, but it will also hinder your growth at whatever it is you want to do.

The Shame of Quitting

 Chances are that if you're doing something difficult, it's something you want to improve at. Whether it's a new sport you've picked up or even online blogging, it's in your best interest to become good at it (otherwise, what's the point of doing it in the first place?). Especially if you're bad at it, you would benefit the most from improving in whatever it is you're doing.

So if you decide to quit that, you're actively working against your own wishes and your own progress. And there is no awesomeness in that, only shame.

Example of Awesomeness

I actually see this principle in action quite often as I help some of my friends to start working out (yeah, I consider myself a bit of a personal trainer for those of my friends who want to get fit). Most of the ones I introduce to training don't have a lot to show for when it comes to muscles - at least not in the beginning. Usually, they can't lift any more than the 20kg bar without any weights on. But that's how it is - you can't start out and expect to be at the top immediately.

 Now, this is where a lot of people would simply quit, being disheartened and embarrassed about not being at the level they want to be. And that is when a person's true character comes to show - either they quit pretty much instantly, or they decide to push through and become stronger, ignoring whatever embarrassment they may be feeling in the beginning.

And that's what separates the awesome from the unawesome; that will to continue, to improve, even when facing a few obstacles.

So whenever you consider quitting something simply because you're not good at it, ask yourself this; Would you rather take the easy way out and keep sucking at it forever, or push through the hard times in the beginning until you emerged as a pro in your chosen field?