
Accepting a Bad Situation Vs. Changing it

People today have become accustomed to accepting their bad situations, telling themselves that they can't change anything. Be it that they're stuck in a dead end job or getting sick every autumn, they tell themselves that "It's just the way things are. You can't change that."

And most people who reason like that will never see their situation changed. Why? Because they've accepted it as something unavoidable. Instead of potentially changing the bad situation, they remain in it for an unnecessarily long period of time. All because they keep telling themselves "That's just the way things are."

Most situations, however, can be changed. Although some can be quite difficult, the cornerstone to improving any bad situation is to adopt the right mindset for it. You need to refuse to accept the situation you're displeased with!

Because saying "That's just the way things are" is pure bullsh*t. We can always change the things around us, if we just put some effort into it. Don't just accept a bad situation - that way it will never change. Instead, refuse the terms of it, and demand a change! Only when deciding that you won't accept the situation anymore can you actually do something about it. Whether you feel like you have no free time, or simply don't like your job, there is always something you can do about the situation, as long as you actively decide to change it.

Example: Diseases

I remember a discussion I had a while ago with a friend, who told me about how she usually spent months every fall and spring with a cold and runny nose. Months! When I asked her how she put up with that horrible situation, she told me "That's just the way things are for me."

As most of my friends there agreed with her, sharing that they too were used to getting sick at least twice a year, I couldn't help but wonder how they could just accept that.  How could anyone put up with expecting to get sick every year?

I guess I can consider myself one of the lucky ones who don't get sick a lot - I can't even remember the last time I was bedridden, and I haven't had so much as a cold for years. This has made me view diseases as something completely out of the ordinary, which makes it so difficult for me to understand how people can just accept getting sick every year as something unavoidable.

And people don't even seem to question it! Let alone try to do something about it.

This is a fine example of how you can get used to a bad situation, and eventually accept it as unavoidable. People seem to believe that staying healthy all year round is an impossibility, and therefore don't even aim for it. They just lay back, accept the situation as it is, and refuse to even try to change it.

This same principle applies to a lot of situations for a lot of people, although it might not be quite as obvious. The solution, however, remains the same; Only by refusing to accept the situation can you hope for a change to occur.

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